The bidding process is always surrounded with acquisitions.Huge amount of money and power is invested in it.This time FIFA federation bidding handover for 2018 and 2022 have surprised many.The FIFA world Cup 2018 will be hosted by Russia,The largest country in the world and 2022 FIFA will be hosted by Qatar the first middle east country.
Both are really interesting choices according to me.Russia has never been seen in mainstream football and it won the bids against its competitors Spain and England .The iron curtain will open for millions of fans in year 2018.A long 8 years way for Russia to prove that the selection is right.Russia has been surrounded by acquisition that the votes were bought and heavy lobbying was done.But the bottom line is immense political involvement has led to win the bid and has helped Russia in identity saving . Unlike the other European nation Russia didn't join European Union.Its struggle to come back as a massive super power is also seen from this angle.The bid win can be termed as identity saving coin for this RED country.
Russian have scored the goal against England in the bidding scenario also.
Though there were less people to enjoy the bidding victory but later in the night joy sprang across whole nation.The Bid has brought smile to the sluggish economy.The market shares have gone up.I believe the whole bidding win will put Russia on a broader spectrum one more time.
Apart from Russia ,Qatar 2022 has been accepted really well by large majority .The air condition stadium will be the highlight of the event and also Qatar has sources for this mega event and it will be really interesting to see how the woeld cup will hsape ahead.
Exploring new opportunities and giving chances to new players is the flavor of the season.
Russian have scored the goal against England in the bidding scenario also.
Though there were less people to enjoy the bidding victory but later in the night joy sprang across whole nation.The Bid has brought smile to the sluggish economy.The market shares have gone up.I believe the whole bidding win will put Russia on a broader spectrum one more time.
Apart from Russia ,Qatar 2022 has been accepted really well by large majority .The air condition stadium will be the highlight of the event and also Qatar has sources for this mega event and it will be really interesting to see how the woeld cup will hsape ahead.
Exploring new opportunities and giving chances to new players is the flavor of the season.
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