Tuesday, October 19, 2010



"This is a major event in modern Chinese history. It offers the prospect of a significant new advance for Chinese society in its peaceful transition toward democracy and constitutional government"
(An open Letter written by activists to support The Noble prize recipient Xiaobo)

Liu Xiaobo

The clash between the Chinese and the West is an unexpected one all of a sudden.After the declaration of the Noble Peace Prize earlier this month to the chinese descendant Liu Xiaobo. 

Liu Xiabio has worked as co author for democratic reforms in one party china ad called for end it.He prepared Charter 08 which was put up on the internet and was signed by thousands.Liu Xiaobo is an intellectual writer who has raised his voice against communism through his writing.presently he is serving as political prisoner for 11 years on the grounds of inciting subversion of the government.he has been given noble peace prize for his long struggle for fundamental human rights in china.The Chinese has not accepted this gesture of the noble peace prize community.They have called Xiaobo a criminal and said if he is given the noble peace prize it will be a dark phase in peace arena.

Security guards outside Liu Xia house after her house arrest
I really think chinas behavior is inappropriate by lashing out at noble committee,it is a clear form of suppression of freedom .Even Chinese authorities has put Xiaobo's wife,Liu Xia under house arrest which is a disgrace on from humanitarian angle.Even foriegn news broadcaster particularly CNN and BBC were blocked when they were broadcasting the noble peace prize declaration.Freedom of press is curtailed heavily.I respect the fact of being communist, may be that way they are progressing but that doesn't mean that they block news channels or take away the rights of people and moreover put people under house arrest who are not at any fault.On other hand Xiaobo is first Chinese to get a noble peace prize and he has immense support back home also but no one is raising their voice because of authoritarian power.The declaration of prize will spread awareness among Chinese who are barred from knowing about the reforms which were raised by Xiaobo.

I believe the Noble Community has taken this decision after viewing thorough work of Xiabio or even if they are accused by Chinese to interfere in internal strata I welcome the decision of the Noble Community.Because at least it may carve way to release Xiaobo.Several calls prior to declaration have been called by international community to release Xiabio.May be this way the convicted may be released under international pressure yet again.China plays a big role in the world market.It has a vital position and has also garnered respect but it would be really interesting to see whether the valve which has been created  between West and China could alter any relation particularly on economy ground.Even US Attorney General has appealed china to release Liu Xiabio.But one reaction I was not amused to see at all was Pakistan support to  china against Noble Community.Their relation of course is going to strengthen over here too.

Many eminent writers have come ahead to support him through PEN,a platform for free expression and celebrating literature.I think  if he is not released today it will be a dark phase of the human rights.There has to be a way to release Xiaobo to support Humanity and prove the credibility of Noble Peace Prize which we have been believing since our childhood.

Lets hope Peace Path through which Xiaobo fought brings peace to his country and humanity.I believe that such recipients such as Liu Xiaobo will raise the bar of noble Peace Prize.


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