Monday, September 20, 2010


Last Saturday I attended an event named "Stand up and take action" organized by the United Nation held at Purana Quila(Old Fort),New Delhi.The event comprised of more than 100 musicians from all over India and they confluence music from all the dimension of India under one canopy.They made a universal music to raise a voice on the eve of MDGs(Millennium Developments goals) summit which is under way in New York.

The world leaders agreed on the eight Millennium Development Goals during a summit in 2000, it was a major initiative which prospered the whole idea of working together towards the specific goal such as eradicating poverty,achieve universal primary education,promote gender equality and empower women,reduce child mortality,improve maternal health,combat HIv/aids ,malaria etc,ensure environmental sustainability and a global partnership for development.these goals has to be achieved by year 2015 and that is the matter of concern for various undeveloped countries where the implication of the plan is weak.
The event was embarked by various diplomats and ambassador of different departments of united nations programme.Large number of people attended the event to show their support -to fight poverty and raise voice for non-implications of plan.

"Together we created a blueprint for ending extreme poverty.We defined achievable targets and timetables.We established a framework that all partners, even those with different views have been able to embrace,"said U.N Secretary General Ban-Ki-moon.
 Despite huge promises made, there has been a lapse in the implication of the plans.Still malnutrition is galloping African nations and South Asian countries.Sanitation is one of the biggest hurdle in these countries.The gender Bias is still being seen in Pakistan,Bangladesh and India.The project are being nurtured on broader spectrum but there are many parts of the society which has been left unheard and untouched.In India malnutrition is still a major problem..

People in rural areas are illiterate and they don't know the application of proper well being.There are plans regarding allocation of food grains to BPL(below poverty line) families such as Nutrition mission adopted in Karnataka.Malnutrition in India

AIDS patients being treated
The following images are disturbing but thats the facet of the 21st century and it raises question once more to the MDGs plan.we have 5 years more left to accomplish these goals.Can we achieve these goals and if yes till what proportion we can do that.The answers lies with us, we need to involve ourselves voluntarily to help in the execution of the projects.Come ahead and help the people who needs us.Create awareness and believe in the soul of education. Countries like India and other African Nation are so vulnerable to AIDS that the only solution left for it cure is nothing but prevention and awareness.Impart education We can make a difference .Its not necessary to hear the world leaders at United Nation,We can do a lot by doing  little.


  1. Its Just that planning is often very simple....implementation is very difficult...

  2. thanks Rushda,yes planning is really easy but implementation is hard and implementing it appropriately is really important
